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Saturday, December 11, 2010


For a long time now many people have different views about smoking in public places. Smokers feel it is their right to smoke where and when they want. On the other hand, non-smokers feel smokers violate their rights and endanger their life. Smoking causes heart disease, lung cancer and other serious illnesses. Cigarette smoking is the number one cause of lung cancer. A substantial number of lung cancers that occur in non-smokers can be attributed to involuntary smoking. There are some parts in the United States where you can smoke in public places; on the other hand in New York there are designated areas. While some people feel that smoking in public places should remain since it is their right, it seems quite clear that smoking in public places should be banned because second-hand smoke will endanger non-smokers health and it pollutes the environment.
Smokers feel they have had the right to smoke in a public place for so long that it should not be taken away. Restaurants and businesses should be allowed to set their own smoking rules, based on demands of the customer

 The four major health hazards fall into air, water, and noise pollution. Air pollution can lead to various forms of respiratory disease. The main problem of smoking in a public place is indoor air pollution. Some of these problems that result indoor air pollution is building ventilation that has been reduced to conserve energy, with the result that ventilation is simply inadequate. Combustion by products from smoking tobacco have produced substances, smoke included, that contaminate indoor air. The problem affecting a person who is in a contaminated environment may result in coughing, wheezing, chest tightness, muscular aches, chills, headaches, fever and fatigue. To solve this we have to have extra ventilation and keep designated areas in the public places if there are any. Although some claim that smoking in a public place is their right and should be kept that, smoking in public places should not be legalized because it will endanger non-smokers from passive smoke and it pollutes our environment.

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